School-Wide Policies
- Develop a system to promote parent involvement which incorporates the following:
- Parent education
- Communication and school climate
- Involvement at school
- Learning strategies at home
- Parents as advisors, decision-makers and advocates
- Community collaboration
- Conduct regular meetings with all stakeholders through committees such as our PTA and SCC to share and review information and to solicit input
- Include all stakeholders in policy and decision-making groups such as our PTA, SCC and leadership committees to ensure input. Conduct parent and community surveys
- Implement the school-parent-students compact at the beginning of each school year which describes how parents, school staff and students will share the responsibility for improving student achievement
- Provide parent education events through monthly ‘Ohana nights to assist them in helping their children learn and achieve our General Learner Outcomes and Common Core State Standards
- Continue with the annual Open House, Parent -Teacher conferences, mid-quarter progress reports and report cards to provide information and to update parents on academic progress
- Communicate with all stakeholders regularly and positively by using a variety of means (parent bulletins, phone calls, letters, school website, synervoice messaging system, etc.)
Once a year, conferences are scheduled for parent(s)/guardian(s) to talk to their child’s teacher regarding their progress in school.
These reports are submitted throughout the year to inform parents of their child’s progress.
First quarter report cards will be distributed at parent-teacher conferences in October, January for 2nd quarter, April for 3rd quarter and May for 4th quarter.
Keaukaha School promotes a seamless approach to learning between school and home. During the school year, Keaukaha School hosts various events for ‘ohana and community members including:
- WEHENA KULA – Open House held on August 24 (tentative) to allow ‘ohana members to meet with their child’s teacher.
- Quarterly ‘OHANA NIGHTS focusing on a specific theme related to educational standards.
- AN EVENING OF SONG – held in December.
- PO LE’A – Fun night or movie night for families
- KUHIO DAY CELEBRATION – A schoolwide celebration, held in March, in honor of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole.
- MAY DAY held in May in celebration of our unique Hawaiian culture and place of Keaukaha.
- 6th GRADE RECOGNITION – Celebrating the success of our Grade 6 students as they leave Keaukaha and venture to their next level of education.
Keaukaha School’s monthly ‘ohana and community bulletin is sent home at the beginning of each month. Be updated on school events and activities, school academic plans, important announcements, and more!
Join the PTA and have a voice in our school to better your child’s education. The Parent-Teacher Association fund raises and helps with student activities.
Loke Kamanu, our Student Services Coordinator, can help with possible support services for all children. If you feel your child is having difficulties and want to discuss this, please contact her at 974-4188.