Parents » Student Services

Student Services

Student Services Coordinator:  Margaret Kamanu

School Contact Number:  974-4188


Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS):

The Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS) provides necessary and effective student support services to help ensure that all students will learn and attain the Hawaii content and Performance Standards. CSSS draws together the resources of the classroom, school, neighborhood, and community agencies to provide the social, emotional, and physical environments that will make certain that no student is left behind. Student support connects students and their families to a system of supportive relationships and services which may vary intensity to address the individual strengths and needs of students.

An effective CSSS responds to the changing needs of students by helping to meet these needs and promote success for every student. An array of student support services ensures that the supports provided and the delivery process corresponds to the severity, complexity, and frequency of each student's needs. CSSS provides an array of services, which identifies five levels of student support. A community of caring and supportive relationships between students, teachers, and families occurs at all five levels. However, each level increases in intensity or specialization of service.

Level 1: Student Concern is Noted

Level 2: Concern Continues After Teacher Interventions

Level 3 & 4: Concern Continues After Core Committee Interventions

Level 4 and 5 supports include a Care Coordinator and a formal individualized written plan: Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Modification Plan (MP), etc.

Level 5: Intensive and Multiple Agency Services High Intensive case management

Hoʻopua (PSAP):

Hoʻopua is a school based K-2 early intervention program (formerly known as PSAP). This program is designed to assist students with developing appropriate social skills that will lead to successful individuals at home, in the school and in our community. The program is based on focused Hawaiian Values, sharing concepts of: aloha, kuleana, laulima, and hoʻihi. Hoʻopua operates as a component of the overall counseling program.

Hoʻopua services students through:
In-class lessons/presentations
Small group
Individual session

Students who are having difficulty will need to go through the CSSS process to qualify for individual sessions.

A+ Afterschool Program:

The A+ Program, under the auspices of the YMCA, brings after-school child care services to children in public elementary schools whose parents work, attend school or are in job training programs. The program provides a safe, secure and nurturing environment, and offers a rich variety of activities for our children.

The program will start immediately after the close of the school day, until 5:30 p.m. The A+ Program will not be an extension of the regular school day. Activities will be offered in comparatively informal settings where children are given the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities. Children will be encouraged to use after-school time to complete homework assignments. Peer assistance will also be encouraged however, where difficulties are encountered, A+ staff will be available to help.

We, the A+ staff, appreciate your support as we provide a program that fits interests and needs of children in a happy and stimulating environment.